Monthly Archives: December 2020

It’s Cinema Fanatic’s 11th Anniversary!

Truly baffling that today is the blog’s 11th anniversary. Back when I started this blog it was during the recession and I was living in the back of my parents’ house working a job I did not care for in my hometown. Watching films, writing about them, just sharing my love for them gave me a sense of purpose.

In the ensuing decade plus I have attended grad school and received an MFA in Film Production, I have worked at Warner Bros., Rotten Tomatoes, TCM/FilmStruck, and Netflix. Jobs I would never have dreamed I would have back when I started this.

But in doing those jobs I lost touch with the pure love of it all. I slowly stopped blogging as much. First went all the lengthy features, and then even Movie Quote of the Day. Now I don’t even write about the films during my monthly write-up. I’ve just gotten so tired.

I learned a lot at every single one of those jobs and am grateful for the experiences I would not have had over the last decade without them.

But as anyone who follows me elsewhere knows, I left my most recent job as the Editorial Manger for NetflixFilm at the beginning of the month. It was a weird, strange departure. But I think for the best. I am proud of all the work I did there in the last 19 months. It was surely some of the best work I’ve done.

I’m not sure yet what I am doing next. I am weighing some options for what ~ the future ~ holds.

With the pandemic raging I’ve been as isolated as I was in those years when I first started this blog. In the last two weeks I’ve found the joy of just watching cinema again. Just sharing my love of it again. It seems everything has come full circle.

The one constant is always cinema. Always.

Noirvember 2020 in FIlms

Y’all this month was Noirvember 11!! I cannot even believe I’ve been doing this for that long. Every year more and more people (and libraries!) participate and it fills me with such joy (which is maybe the opposite of what noir should do???). I didn’t watch much this month beyond the one noir a day, but as always you can see everything I watched after the cut, plus a breakdown by decade and a few favorites.

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