Monthly Archives: December 2016

Cinema Fanatic’s Favorite Fifteen Films of 2016

After last year’s A Year With Women I was apprehensive dipping my toes back into to the world of cinema directed by men. Luckily, one thing 2015 taught me was that I could skip movies that I knew I wouldn’t enjoy instead of seeing everything just to be part of the conversation (although I did see a few things this year that I thought I would hate for that very reason and then I hated them anyways; not happening in 2017, I swear!). Overall, there were lots of films released in 2016 that I truly loved. There are a few late released 2016 films that haven’t come to Atlanta yet that probably would have made this list, but I doubt any of them would dethrone my #1 favorite of the year. For the first time since 2012, my favorite film of the year was actually directed by a man. I am as shocked as you are! As always, you’ll find my favorite films of the year after the cut, as well as some brief thoughts.


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Female Filmmaker Friday Podcast: Episode 7 – 2016 in Review


This week Sabina Stent, Oralia Torres, Lady P., Justine A. Smith, Diana Drumm, Kristen Sales join me to talk about their favorite films directed by women from 2016 (new or new-to-them).

Here’s my full list of films I watched that were directed by women in 2016.

It’s Cinema Fanatic’s 7th Anniversary!

This has been a roller coaster year. When I moved across to the country to work at Turner Classic Movies (and FilmStruck!) I had to put Movie Quote of the Day on hold and I haven’t yet managed to bring that feature back. I did, however bring back Female Filmmaker Friday, this time as a podcast and I’ve had some great guests on talking about some great filmmakers. Due to some health issues I had to put that on hold as well (it will be back soon though!). Aside from driving across the country (and through 7 states!), I also went to Virginia to Joseph Cotten’s hometown on a research trip (I even wound up on the local news!) and to Italy to attend the Pordenone Silent Film Festival! All and all, it’s been a pretty crazy year and I’m grateful I was able to share it with all of you. 2017 is going to be full of all kind of adventures as well.


Bonus points if you can name the film that the above scene is from!

Noirvember 2016 in Films

November was a pretty crazy month personally, but it was also the seventh year of Noirvember, which seems to have gotten bigger than I ever could have dreamed. It’s also the part of the year where many, many great films find their way into theaters. As always, you can see everything I watched last month behind the cut.


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