Monthly Archives: June 2013

Movie Quote of the Day – Head Over Heels, 2001 (dir. Mark Waters)


Candi: If you say you’re not interested in him, why are you watching him?
Amanda: I’m not. Well, I am, but only to prove to you that he has some huge flaw.
Candi: How do you know that?
Amanda: Because I’m attracted to him.

Movie Quote of the Day is Three Years Old!

I can’t believe I have been doing a movie quote a day for three years now! So much has happened in those three years. When I started this feature, I was living in the back of my parents’s house with a bunch of cats and a dinky television where I watched TCM 16 hours a day (I still have that television; it’s been with me since the year 2000!). Last year I was living in San Francisco, where I was for two years working towards my M.F.A. in film production at the Academy of Art University (I still have a semester left) and now I am living in North Hollywood and I work for the Warner Archive Collection. It’s amazing the amount of change three years can hold. I hope y’all have enjoyed this feature as much as I have enjoyed posting it! You can see all 1086 quotes here on this handy dandy page I made for the feature. Under the cut are all the quotes from the last year. Enjoy!

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Movie Quote of the Day – Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, 1967 (dir. Stanley Kramer)


Christina Drayton: Now I have some instructions for you. I want you to go straight back to the gallery – Start your motor – When you get to the gallery tell Jennifer that she will be looking after things temporarily, she’s to give me a ring if there’s anything she can’t deal with herself. Then go into the office, and make out a check, for “cash,” for the sum of $5,000. Then carefully, but carefully Hilary, remove absolutely everything that might subsequently remind me that you had ever been there, including that yellow thing with the blue bulbs which you have such an affection for. Then take the check, for $5,000, which I feel you deserve, and get – permanently – lost. It’s not that I don’t want to know you, Hilary – although I don’t – it’s just that I’m afraid we’re not really the sort of people that you can afford to be associated with. Don’t speak, Hilary, just. . .go.

Movie Quote of the Day – Blazing Saddles, 1974 (dir. Mel Brooks)


Jim: Oh, boys! Lookee what I got heyuh.
Bart: Hey, where the white women at?

Movie Quote of the Day – Trois Couleurs: Bleu, 1993 (dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski)


Julie Vignon-de Courcy: You know, I was happy before. I loved them, and they loved me. Mother, are you listening?
Madame Vignon: Yes, Marie-France.
Julie Vignon-de Courcy: Now I have just one thing left to do:  nothing. I want no possessions, no memories. . .no friends, no lovers. . .they’re all traps.

Movie Quote of the Day – Punch-Drunk Love, 2002 (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)


Barry: Hi Lena. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I left you at the hospital. I called a phone sex line. . .I called a phone sex line before I met you. And four blond brothers came after me. And they hurt you and I’m sorry. And then I had to leave again because I wanted to make sure you never got hurt again. And. . .and I have a lot of pudding. . .and 6 to 8 weeks it can be redeemed. So, if you could just give me that much time, I think I can get enough mileage to go with you wherever you have to go, if you have to travel for your work because I don’t ever want to be anywhere without you. So. . .could you just let me redeem the mileage?

Movie Quote of the Day – The Verdict, 1982 (dir. Sidney Lumet)


Mickey Morrissey: Do you know who the attorney for the Archdiocese is? Ed Concannon!
Frank Galvin: He’s a good man. . .
Mickey Morrissey: He’s a good man? He’s the Prince of fucking Darkness!

Oscar Vault Monday – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 2000 (dir. Ang Lee)

I’m sure a lot has been written about this film, so this piece is mostly going to be a bit of personal reflection, my take on the feminist aspects of the film, Ang Lee’s love of Westerns and a bit of fangirling over the cinematography and music. I first saw this movie in Klamath Falls, Oregon in February of 2001 – a few months before the Oscars. My mom and I had gone up there from my hometown for some medical tests – we were pretty sure I was dying. That first day I got a halter monitor and we were really depressed. I was so ill I couldn’t eat chow mein (at the time probably my favorite food) so we went and saw Traffic and it was the perfect film for our depressed mood. When we had to stay an extra day, we took the time to see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which we were pretty sure was never going to make it to our town (surprisingly, they did get the movie after the Oscars and it was probably the first foreign language film to play at that theatre in its 80 year history). On the medical side of this story, I wound up getting rushed to Sacramento the next week for pacemaker surgery and have had one implanted ever since. On the film side of this story, I love this movie with all of my heart and no matter how many times I watch it (I once watched it with French subtitles on; true story), it makes me weep by the end. It’s a rich and beautiful film in many ways. It was nominated for ten Academy Awards, winning four: Best Costume Design, Best Art Direction (won), Best Cinematography (w0n), Best Original Song, Best Original Score (won), Best Film Editing, Best Foreign Language Film (won), Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director and Best Picture. The other films up for Best Picture that year were Chocolat, Erin BrockovichTraffic and winner Gladiator. Beware: there be spoilers after the cut.

crouching_tiger_hidden_dragon_poster Read the rest of this entry

Movie Quote of the Day – The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, 1984 (dir. W.D. Richter)


Mission Control: Buckaroo, The White House wants to know is everything ok with the alien space craft from Planet 10 or should we just go ahead and destroy Russia?
Buckaroo Banzai: Tell him yes on one and no on two.
Mission Control: Which one was yes, go ahead and destroy Russia. . .or number 2?

Movie Quote of the Day – Moonrise Kingdom, 2012 (dir. Wes Anderson)


Laura Bishop: I’m sorry Walt.
Walt Bishop: It’s not your fault. . .Which injuries are you apologizing for? Specifically.
Laura Bishop: Specifically? Whichever ones still hurt.
Walt Bishop: Half of those were self-inflicted. . .I hope the roof flies off, and I get sucked up into space. You’d be better off without me.
Laura Bishop: Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Walt Bishop: Why?
Laura Bishop: We’re all they’ve got, Walt.
Walt Bishop: That’s not enough.