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Movie Quote of the Day – About Last Night, 2014 (dir. Steve Pink)


Danny: I don’t want to spend tonight, of all night’s, doing what we’re going to be doing all next year. . . fighting.
[Debbie leaves.]
Bernie: That’s my cue.
Joan: No. No. Debbie! No!
Danny: Fuck. Fuck.
Joan: Fuckin’ wonderful, asshole!
Bernie: You fucked that up, I’ll be the first to tell you that.

More Lady Directors, Van Heflin and New Releases: February 2014 in Films

This is the first month in about four years that I didn’t manage to watch the equivalent of a new-to-me movie a day! I did, however, watch several movies I love for the first time on the big screen – including Je t’aime je t’aime at The Cinefamily and if you are in L.A. you gotta go see it! Maybe I’ll make up for this month next month. I don’t know. Regardless, I saw some great film (and some truly awful films) in February, a breakdown of which you can see after the cut.


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