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Movie Quote of the Day – Bride & Prejudice, 2004 (dir. Gurinder Chadha)


Kiran Bingley: Darcy’s a great reader. In fact, I think a love of books is on his list for his ideal woman.
Will Darcy: I think you’ve had one too many Sea Breezes.
Kiran Bingley: I remember a very drunken night in Oxford when you recited the list. She has to be smart, speak several languages…
Will Darcy: All right, Kiran, drop it.
Kiran Bingley: No, I recall, she had to be athletic, voluptuous, of course, graceful, witty, confident…
Lalita Bakshi: I’m not surprised Mr. Darcy hasn’t found his ideal woman with a list like that. Does this mean you’re an ideal man?
Will Darcy: I guess you’d be a better judge of that than me.
Lalita Bakshi: As far as I can tell, most men have faults.

Movie Quote of the Day – Mansfield Park, 1999 (dir. Patricia Rozema)


Henry Crawford: Fanny, you have created sensations which my heart has never known before.
Fanny Price: Please.
Henry Crawford: There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.
Fanny Price: Mr. Crawford, do not speak nonsense.
Henry Crawford: Nonsense?
Fanny Price: You are such a fine speaker that I’m afraid you may actually end in convincing yourself.
Henry Crawford: Fanny. You are killing me.
Fanny Price: No man dies of love but on the stage, Mr. Crawford.

Movie Quote of the Day – Becoming Jane, 2007 (dir. Julian Jarrold)

Tom Lefroy: Your ignorance is understandable since you lack. . .What shall we call it? The history?
Jane Austen: Propriety commands me to ignorance.
Tom Lefroy: Condemns you to it and your writing to the status of female accomplishment. If you wish to practice the art of fiction, to be the equal of a masculine author, experience is vital.

Movie Quote of the Day – Sense and Sensibility, 1995 (dir. Ang Lee)

Marianne: No—he is not so unworthy as you think him.
Elinor: Not so unworthy! Did he tell you that he loved you?
Marianne: Yes. No—never absolutely. It was every day implied, but never declared. Sometimes I thought it had been, but it never was. He has broken no vow.
Elinor: He has broken faith with all of us, he made us all believe he loved you!
Marianne: He did! He did—he loved me as I loved him.