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Movie Quote of the Day – Just Like Heaven, 2005 (dir. Mark Waters)

Elizabeth Masterson: David?
David Abbott: What?
Elizabeth Masterson: Tell him thank you.
David Abbott: We’re really grateful, Jack.
Jack Houriskey: I’m not doin’ it for you.
David Abbott: Then why are you doing it?
Jack Houriskey: Because someday, trust me, I’m gonna need help movin’ a body. When that day comes, I don’t wanna hear any shit from you.

Movie Quote of the Day – My Fellow Americans, 1996 (dir. Peter Segal)

Russell Kramer: Margaret, did you hear that?
Margaret Kramer: Yeah, I did. It’s a crock and we both know it.
Russell Kramer: It’s a kick in the balls. Sorry, sweetheart.
Margaret Kramer: Please, I’m a politician’s wife. I have a set of my own.

Movie Quote of the Day – America’s Sweethearts, 2001 (dir. Joe Roth)

Wellness Guide: This letter, Edward, is a very important part of the healing process. By writing to your mother, you afford yourself the opportunity to thank her, or forgive her, or to ask her why she did the things she did. Now we don’t mail the letter, but the simple act of putting it on paper frees you, allows you to let go. Now… what did you say to your mother?
Eddie: [reading] “Dear Mom, Fuck you.”
Wellness Guide: Okay. We’ll try the letter some other time.