Blog Archives

Movie Quote of the Day – She-Devil, 1989 (dir. Susan Seidelman)


Bob: Okay Ruth, I’ll give you a few days, then you’ve got to come back for the kids. Where can I reach you?
Ruth: I’m not coming back, Bob, they’ll have a much better life here with you.
Bob: Wait a minute, Ruth, where’re you going?
Ruth: I don’t know, Bob, into my future I guess.

More Lady Directors, Van Heflin and New Releases: February 2014 in Films

This is the first month in about four years that I didn’t manage to watch the equivalent of a new-to-me movie a day! I did, however, watch several movies I love for the first time on the big screen – including Je t’aime je t’aime at The Cinefamily and if you are in L.A. you gotta go see it! Maybe I’ll make up for this month next month. I don’t know. Regardless, I saw some great film (and some truly awful films) in February, a breakdown of which you can see after the cut.


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Female Filmmaker Friday: She-Devil, 1989 (dir. Susan Seidelman)

So this is week six of Female Filmmaker Friday and my fifth and final look the work of Susan Seidelman in the 1980s. I’ve really enjoyed delving into her work and I hope you guys have found some films you plan to see in the future.


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