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Oscar Vault Monday – Ghost, 1990 (dir. Jerry Zucker)

I love this movie way too much. It has always been a favorite of mine and I think it always will be. I just feel like it is one of the most passionate films ever made. I think it has aged well (yes, even the special effects) and I think that is because of the strength of the story and the performances of all the actors involved. Ghost was ranked #19 on AFI’s 100 Years. . .100 Passions list and was nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two: Best Original Score (Maurice Jarre), Best Film Editing (Walter Murch), Best Original Screenplay (won), Best Supporting Actress and Best Picture. The other films nominated for Best Picture that year were Awakenings, The Godfather Part III, Goodfellas and winner Dances With Wolves. There will be quite a few spoilers for this film if you haven’t seen it, so beware.

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Movie Quote of the Day – A Walk On The Moon, 1999 (dir. Tony Goldwyn)

Pearl: What is your name?
Walker: Walker.
Pearl: Is that your last name?
Walker: My last name is Jerome.
Pearl: You’re backwards.

Movie Quote of the Day – Someone Like You…, 2001 (dir. Tony Goldwyn)

Jane: What are you thinking?
Eddie: I’m thinking the same thing you are, Jane. You and Ray are gonna’ live happily ever after with matching volvos and chocolate labs. See you Monday.
Jane: Did you have *any* friends growing up?