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Movie Quote of the Day – Freebie and the Bean, 1974 (dir. Richard Rush)


Bean: Apologize about my gun!
Freebie: Apologize to this!
Bean: Apologize about my gun and I’ll apologize about your lip!

Movie Quote of the Day – The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming, 1966 (dir. Norman Jewison)

Pete Whittaker: Ask them if they’re Russians!
Walt Whittaker: Peter, be quiet.
Lieutenant Rozanov: [thick Russian accent] Very clever little boy. Very, very clever, to see that my friend and I are foreigners here, but of course not Russian, naturally. What would the Russians be doing on United States of America island, with so many animosities and hatreds between these two countries? It is too funny an idea, is it not? No, we. . .we are of course. . .Norveegans.
Walt Whittaker: Norweigans?
Lieutenant Rozanov: On a small training exercise for the Nyaato countries…
Alexei Kolchin: NATO!
Lieutenant Rozanov: NATO countries, of course, yes. Ah, to reach place of power motorboats it is necessary to make borrowings of automobile, for a short time only, sir.
Walt Whittaker: Uh…uh…may, may I ask you something, please?
Lieutenant Rozanov: Yes, of course.
Walt Whittaker: Are, are there nine of you out there, and are you all Russians with machine guns, and does one of you look like Uncle Ha. . .I meant, look like a wrestler?
Lieutenant Rozanov: Unnnnnnngh. . .I am sorry to, uh, comply with your statement, but misfortunately, all of the answers to these questions are. . .yes.

Oscar Vault Monday – Little Miss Sunshine, 2006 (dir. Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris)

2006 is one of my least favorite Oscar years in the last decade. Mostly because I think Children of Men was the best film to come out that year and although it got a few tech nominations, I think it deserved a Best Picture nod over several of the nominees that year. That’s why I’ve waited so long to write about this year. As it happens, I don’t love any of the nominees from 2006 (and actively dislike one of them, in fact.) But I do like Little Miss Sunshine, thus I am writing about it. I think this film is more about the performances than it is the story. I mean, it has a fun story, but it is weak in more places than people like to mention. The performances, however, I think are flawless. Although, I guess the Academy disagrees with me because it won for its screenplay. Go figure. The film was nominated for four Academy Awards, winning two: Best Original Screenplay (won), Best Supporting Actor Alan Arkin (won), Best Supporting Actress Abigail Breslin, Best Picture. The other films nominated for Best Picture that year were: Babel, Letters From Iwo Jima, The Queen and winner The Departed.

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Movie Quote of the Day – America’s Sweethearts, 2001 (dir. Joe Roth)

Wellness Guide: This letter, Edward, is a very important part of the healing process. By writing to your mother, you afford yourself the opportunity to thank her, or forgive her, or to ask her why she did the things she did. Now we don’t mail the letter, but the simple act of putting it on paper frees you, allows you to let go. Now… what did you say to your mother?
Eddie: [reading] “Dear Mom, Fuck you.”
Wellness Guide: Okay. We’ll try the letter some other time.

Can Sandy Win the Oscar?

Or can the Academy live with themselves if she wins the Oscar the day after she wins the Razzie, for which she’s almost guaranteed to win for All About Steve.

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