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Movie Quote of the Day – Van Helsing, 2004 (dir. Stephen Sommers)


Van Helsing: You’re a genius!
Carl: A genius with access to unstable chemicals!

Oscar Vault Monday – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002 (dir. Peter Jackson)

The second film in Peter Jackson’s epic trilogy, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is also quiet possibly the least discussed film in the series. It’s actually my favorite of the three films; I thought so when I first saw it and I still think so today. I think it’s got the hardest job of the three films. It has to follow the build up of the first film, their journey now split into multiple storylines. It also sets up the masterful conclusion of the third film. I think Jackson did a fantastic job keeping the pace and interest going throughout the film. The film also received the least Academy Award nominations of the three films (The Fellowship of the Ring received 13 nominations, winning four; The Return of the King received 11 nominations, winning in every category it was nominated including Best Picture). The Two Towers received six nominations, winning two: Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing (won), Best Art Direction, Best Editing, Best Visual Effects (won) and Best Picture. The other films nominated for Best Picture that year were Gangs of New York, The Hours, The Pianist and winner Chicago.

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