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Movie Quote of the Day – Animal Kingdom, 2010 (dir. David Michôd)

Janine ‘Smurf’ Cody: Hey Randall, before you go on, this boy who’s currently being looked after, tell me if you agree with this, this boy who’s being looked after – he knows who you are. And you know how these things go. They’ll ask him all sorts of questions, about everything he’s ever seen or done and everyone he’s ever met. The whole shemozzle. And you’ve done some bad things, sweetie. . .haven’t you?

Updated Precursors Chart, A Look At Best Supporting Actress

I’ve added a few more winners to the precursors chart. The Social Network, Fincher and Sorkin still lead their categories. Colin Firth leads Best Actor, Natalie Portman leads Best Actress and Christian Bale leads Best Supporting Actor.

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What has recently become interesting is the Best Supporting Actress category. At first Jacki Weaver for Animal Kingdom seemed to be primed for the award, with a win at the National Board of Review and a Golden Globe nomination. But she failed to receive a SAG nomination and that could hurt her chances. Melissa Leo in The Fighter has been picking up steam, with five critic awards wins, a Golden Globe and SAG nomination. Recently joining the race and picking up major momentum is Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit. Although she didn’t receive a Golden Globe nomination, she also have five critic award wins and a SAG nomination. With all the other acting fields relatively predictable (as well as most of the tech categories), Supporting Actress seems to be the most interesting race of the year.