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Movie Quote of the Day – Frozen River, 2008 (dir. Courtney Hunt)


Ray Eddy: What if a trooper stops us?
Lila Littlewolf: They’re not gonna stop you, you’re white.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Fighter, 2010 (dir. David O. Russell)


Alice Ward: Hello.
Mickey Ward: Alice, this is Charlene.
Charlene Fleming: Hi.
Alice Ward: I’ve heard a lot about you.
Charlene Fleming: Really? I’ve heard a lot about you, too.
Alice Ward: What’s that supposed to mean?
Charlene Fleming: Same thing you meant.

Hailee Steinfeld and the Best Supporting Actress Race

There’s been a lot of chatter as of late on Twitter about 14 year-old Hailee Steinfeld’s chances at an Oscar nomination and whether her performance should be considered for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. The debate seems to be whether the role is a lead role or a supporting role. While I think it is a lead role, what is really in question is where she has the best chance of getting a nomination – and even perhaps winning. That’s how studios decide how to campaign a role. Though Steinfeld is the heart of True Grit, she has the best chance in the Best Supporting Actress category.

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Updated Precursors Chart, A Look At Best Supporting Actress

I’ve added a few more winners to the precursors chart. The Social Network, Fincher and Sorkin still lead their categories. Colin Firth leads Best Actor, Natalie Portman leads Best Actress and Christian Bale leads Best Supporting Actor.

click picture for higher resolution

What has recently become interesting is the Best Supporting Actress category. At first Jacki Weaver for Animal Kingdom seemed to be primed for the award, with a win at the National Board of Review and a Golden Globe nomination. But she failed to receive a SAG nomination and that could hurt her chances. Melissa Leo in The Fighter has been picking up steam, with five critic awards wins, a Golden Globe and SAG nomination. Recently joining the race and picking up major momentum is Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit. Although she didn’t receive a Golden Globe nomination, she also have five critic award wins and a SAG nomination. With all the other acting fields relatively predictable (as well as most of the tech categories), Supporting Actress seems to be the most interesting race of the year.

Tony Goldwyn’s “Conviction” Trailer

This film was originally titled “Betty Anne Waters” but I guess Fox Searchlight decided to steer away from the “a person’s name” film title route. Hilary Swank is hit or miss, but when she’s good she’s really good (hence the two Oscars). Sam Rockwell is one of the most under-rated actors working in Hollywood today. I still think he should have gotten an Oscar nom for Moon last year. Maybe this will be his golden ticket.

Trailer and synopsis after the cut.

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