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Movie Quote of the Day – Marnie, 1964 (dir. Alfred Hitchcock)


Mark Rutland: Would you like some bourbon to brush your teeth?
Marnie Edgar: No, thank you.

Oscar Vault Monday – The Longest Day, 1962 (dir. Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton and Bernhard Wicki)

The trailer for The Longest Day calls this one of the most ambitious films ever made and I think that is still true today. It would take multiple posts to write about everything there is to write about with this film. Instead, I am going to write about a few of my favorite performers in the film (look at that cast list; it’s insane!). You can read a lot about the production of the film here.  I used to love this movie when I was a kid and was lucky enough to see it on the big screen at the TCM Film Festival in 2012 (first thing in the morning, too!). If you ever get a chance to see it on the big screen, don’t miss it! It’s amazing. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two: Best Film Editing, Best B&W Art Direction, Best B&W Cinematography (won),  Best Special Effects and Best Picture. The other films nominated for Best Picture that year were: The Music Man, Mutiny on the Bounty, To Kill a Mockingbird and winner Lawrence of Arabia.


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Movie Quote of the Day – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 1989 (dir. Steven Spielberg)

Sallah: Please, what does it always mean, this. . .this “Junior”?
Professor Henry Jones: That’s his name. . .[points to self] Henry Jones. . .[points to Indy] Junior.
Indiana Jones: I like “Indiana.”
Professor Henry Jones: We named the *dog* Indiana.
Marcus Brody: May we go home now, please?
Sallah: The dog? [laughing] You are named after the dog? AHAHAHA!

Movie Quote of the Day – Highlander, 1986 (dir. Russell Mulcahy)

Ramirez: The Kurgan. He is the strongest of all the immortals. He’s the *perfect* warrior. If he wins the Prize, mortal man would suffer an eternity of darkness.
Connor MacLeod: How do you fight such a savage?
Ramirez: With heart, faith and steel. In the end there can be only one.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Hunt for Red October, 1990 (dir. John McTiernan)

Captain Ramius: Anatoli, you’re afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. Personally, I give us one chance in three. [beat] More tea, anyone?

Movie Quote of the Day – The Longest Day, 1962 (dir. Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton and Bernhard Wicki)

Pvt. Flanagan: Oh the evil of it all! Trying to drown a man before he’s even had a chance to fight!

Movie Quote of the Day – Goldfinger, 1964 (dir. Guy Hamilton)

James Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Auric Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.