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Movie Quote of the Day – Pet Sematary, 1989 (dir. Mary Lambert)


Jud Crandall: Women are supposed to be the ones who are good at keeping secrets, but any woman who knows anything at all would tell you she’s never seen into a man’s heart. The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, Louis. . .like the soil up there in the old Micmac burying ground.

Movie Quote of the Day – Carrie, 2013 (dir. Kimberly Peirce)


Sue Snell: No! Carrie please don’t hurt me.
Carrie White: Why not? I’ve been hurt my whole life.

Movie Quote of the Day – Carrie, 1976 (dir. Brian De Palma)


Margaret White: Carrie, you haven’t touched your apple cake.
Carrie: It gives me pimples, Mama.
Margaret White: Pimples are the Lord’s way of chastising you.

Movie Quote of the Day – Misery, 1990 (dir. Rob Reiner)


Marcia Sindell: Paul, since you brought her up,. . .I have to ask you this or I’ll be drummed out of the agents’ union. How would you feel about a non-fiction book, about what went on in that house?
Paul Sheldon: Gee, Marcia, if I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were suggesting I dredge up the worst horror of my life just so we can make a few bucks.
Marcia Sindell: I thought you were over it.
Paul Sheldon: I don’t know if anyone could totally get over something like that. It’s weird. Even though I know she’s dead, I still think about her once in a while.
Waitress: Excuse me. I don’t mean to bother you, but are you Paul Sheldon?
Paul Sheldon: Yes.
Waitress: I just wanna tell you, I’m your number one fan.
Paul Sheldon: That’s very sweet of you.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Dead Zone, 1983 (dir. David Cronenberg)

Johnny Smith: I keep thinking about a line from a book, it’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” the last thing I gave my class to read before. . .the accident. Ichabod Crane disappears. . .the line goes: “As he was a bachelor, and in nobody’s debt, nobody troubled their head about him anymore.”
Sarah Bracknell: Is that what you’re afraid of?
Johnny Smith: It’s what I want.

Movie Quote of the Day – Stand By Me, 1986 (dir. Rob Reiner)

Gordie: Do you think I’m weird?
Chris: Definitely.
Gordie: No man, seriously. Am I weird?
Chris: Yeah, but so what? Everybody’s weird.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Shawshank Redemption, 1994 (dir. Frank Darabont)

Andy Dufresne: Get busy living, or get busy dying.