Movie Quote of the Day – Play It Again, Sam, 1972 (dir. Herbert Ross)


Nancy: I want a new life.I want to go skiing. I want to go dancing. I want to go to the beach. I want to ride through Muir on a motorcycle. All we ever do is see movies.
Allan: Yeah, well I write for a film magazine. They send me. Besides, I happen to like movies.
Nancy: You like movies because you’re one of life’s great watchers. I’m not like that. I’m a doer. I want to live. I want to participate. We never laugh together.
Allan: How can you say that? I don’t know about you, but I am constantly laughing. I chuckle, I giggle, I guffaw, occasionally.

About Marya E. Gates

Cinephile to the max.

Posted on January 23, 2014, in Movie Quote of the Day and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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