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Movie Quote of the Day – 8½, 1963 (dir. Federico Fellini)


Guido: What is this sudden happiness that makes me tremble, that gives me strength and life? Forgive me, sweet creatures. I didn’t understand. I didn’t know. How right it is to accept you, love you. And how simple. Luisa, I feel like I’ve been set free. Everything seems so good, so meaningful. Everything is true. I wish I could explain, but I don’t know how. Now everything’s all confused once again, like it was before. But this confusion is me, as I am, not as I’d like to be. I’m no longer afraid of telling the truth about what I don’t know, what I’m looking for, what I haven’t found. Only this way do I feel alive. Only this way can I look into your faithful eyes without shame. Life is a celebration. Let’s live it together. That’s all l can say, Luisa, to you or the others. Accept me for what I am, if you can. it’s the only way we might find each other.

Movie Quote of the Day – Ginger e Fred (Ginger and Fred), 1986 (dir. Federico Fellini)


Pippo Botticella: Amelia, we’ve got to rebel! I’m on the rebel’s side. We’ve got to rebel against all of this too. I burn when I see injustice, I burn, I burn!
Amelia Bonetti: Burn, go ahead and burn!

Movie Quote of the Day – La città delle donne, 1980 (dir. Federico Fellini)

Snàporaz: What kind of film is this?!

Movie Quote of the Day – Roma, città aperta, 1945 (dir. Roberto Rossellini)

Hartman: 25 years ago, I commanded firing squads in France. I was a young officer. I believed then, too, in a German “master-race.” But the French patriots also died without talking. We Germans simply refuse to believe that people want to be free.
Major Bergman: You’re drunk, Hartman!
Hartman: Yes, I’m drunk. . .I get drunk every night to forget. It doesn’t help. We can’t get anywhere but kill, kill, kill! We have sown Europe with corpses. . .and from those graves rises an incredible hate. . .HATE!. . .everywhere hate! We are being consumed by hatred. . .without hope.
Major Bergman: Enough!
Hartman: We will all die. . .without hope. . .
Major Bergman: I forbid you to continue!
Hartman: . . .without hope.

January 2012 in Films: Il Cinema Italiano, Film Noir, Podcasts and Interviews

January was a great month for me. As I said in my end-of-the-year post at the beginning of the month, I have decided to tackle world cinema (well, outside France, which I have done pretty well with). So far my concentrations have been on Italian cinema (I even learned Italian this month!), mostly watching late-50s-early-60s Italian cinema, though I did watch a few Italian silents as well. I have more than fallen in love with Marcello Mastroianni. I also covered Noir City X, the Film Noir Foundation‘s tenth annual film noir festival here in San Francisco. You can read my wrap-up post here at YAM Magazine. Don’t forget the Oscar nominations came out this month; you can hear my thoughts on those here at The Matinee. Lastly, yesterday Warner Bros. gave me the opportunity to interview Stephen Bogart, son of legends Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, over the phone. You can read that interview here. As always, a round up of all the new-to-me films I watched this last month is after the cut (I think I also rewatched about 18 films this month on top of all the new-to-me ones). So many great films. So many more to watch.

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