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Movie Quote of the Day – Faces, 1968 (dir. John Cassavetes)


Richard Forst: Jeannie, do me a favor. Don’t be silly anymore. Just be yourself.
Jeannie: But I am myself. Who else would I be?
Richard Forst: I’m serious.
Jeannie: Definition of serious: Blah blah blah blah.

Movie Quote of the Day – Night On Earth, 1991 (dir. Jim Jarmusch)


Victoria Snelling: What about marriage and a family?
Corky: Definitely. Definitely want a family. Boys, though. Lots of boys.
Victoria Snelling: No girls? Girls are nice, too, I think.
Corky: Ahhh, maybe some girls, too. But you know, like, that stuff, that’s all besides the point. The real problem is to find a good guy for the father.
Victoria Snelling: Tell me about it.
Corky: Well. I’m real particular, you know? And I’m also patient enough. I mean, at least I hope I am. Cuz, you know, I don’t know, maybe you got to wait awhile, you know. Cuz maybe it’s not so easy to find the exact right guy, you know? Like, the one guy, you know?
Victoria Snelling: Another mechanic maybe.
Corky: Hell, I don’t care what he does, as long as he loves me right. With his soul. You know, takes me for who I am.
Victoria Snelling: I know what you mean.
Corky: Like Popeye says, “I y’am, what I y’am!” Right?
Victoria Snelling: You certainly are.

Movie Quote of the Day – Another Woman, 1988 (dir. Woody Allen)


Marion: I closed the book and felt this strange mixture of wistfulness and hope and I wondered if a memory is something you have or something you’ve lost.

Movie Quote of the Day – A Woman Under the Influence, 1974 (dir. John Cassavetes)

Mabel: I always understood you, and you always understood me and that was always just how it was, and that’s it. “Till death do us part,” Nick. You said it. Remember? He said, “Do you, Mabel Mortensen, take this man?” “I do.” “I do,” Nick. “I do.” Remember, I said “It’s gonna work because I’m already pregnant.”
Nick: Don’t let that mind run away on you now.
Mabel: Remember how you laughed?
Nick: Don’t, Mabel.
Mabel: Nick. You laughed.
Nick: Don’t.
Mabel: Don’t you remember? And he was mad as a big toad.
Nick: Don’t do that.
Mabel: Hey, don’t be sad. I know you love me.
Nick: Hey.
Mabel: We had plenty of time to find that out, didn’t we? You and I know. You see that, Nick? That’s how close we are. And they can’t pull us apart. They can’t force us apart. ‘Cause we’re together.
Nick: I don’t know who you are.
Mabel: Don’t say that, honey. I’m not sore at you. I’m not mad or anything.
Nick: Mabel. . .don’t.
Mabel: You sit there and pretend you. . .all of that doesn’t mean. . .and you know. You know. It’s us. You’re going with them out there on the outside.
Nick: Be still.
Mabel: And we’re supposed to be on the inside. We were always there.
Nick: Shut up!
Mabel: You little. . .teeny. . .skinny. . .little. . .bug!