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Movie Quote of the Day – Things We Lost in the Fire, 2007 (dir. Susanne Bier)


Jerry: You know, you gotta accept the good, man, ’cause they’re gonna make you accept the bad.

What We Learn From the SAG Awards

Well we knew one thing right off the bat, as Avatar did not have a single nomination. In fact, of the top five contenders right now only three were up for Best Ensemble. After tonight it’s clear that the actors are behind Inglourious Basterds

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20 Years of Best Supporting Actor nominees

This will conclude my posts featuring my favorite Academy Award nominated performances from the last 20 years. Just like my post dedicated to Best Actor nominees I couldn’t narrow it down to ten, so there are fifteen again. I guess I tend to like actors more than actresses. If you’re interested in buying any of the films discussed below, click here.

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