Blog Archives

Movie Quote of the Day – Melinda and Melinda, 2004 (dir. Woody Allen)


Ellis Moonsong: Why do things that start off so promisingly always have a way of ending up in the dump?
Melinda Robicheaux: Not for everyone.
Ellis Moonsong: Well, for anybody with any imagination. You know, life is manageable enough if you keep your hopes modest. The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down.

My Love For Woody Allen: Week 3

So here we are, the last decade of Woody Allen’s directorial filmography (you can see my first three post here, here and here). I am going to be honest right away and say that I pretty much hate and/or dislike all of these films. Okay, maybe not all. There is one that I actually like and three that I thought were “okay,” but the rest I either dislike or downright hate. So my discussions of them are not going to be very long because frankly I don’t want to waste my time writing about them. Feel free to disagree all you want, but that’s just how I feel about it. Also, don’t forget about the Woody Allen Blogathon on Friday!

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