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Movie Quote of the Day – Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, 2008 (dir. Bharat Nalluri)


Delysia: [during an air-raid drill] Guinevere, I’m scared!
Guinevere Pettigrew: It’s just a drill, I’m sure it’s just a drill.
Delysia: But it won’t always be, will it? We’re going to war, aren’t we?
Guinevere Pettigrew: Yes we are. And that is why you must not waste a second of this precious life. Listen to me. Once I too had ambitions. Not your grand ones, simple ambitions. Marriage, children and a house of our own. He died, in the mud in France. A good, solid man. You would call him dull, no doubt, but he smiled whenever he saw me and we could’ve built a life on that. Your heart knows the truth, Delysia. Trust it.

Movie Quote of the Day – Man of Steel, 2013 (dir. Zack Snyder)


Lois Lane: You know, they say it’s downhill after the first kiss.
Superman: I’m pretty sure that only counts when you’re kissing a human.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Fighter, 2010 (dir. David O. Russell)


Alice Ward: Hello.
Mickey Ward: Alice, this is Charlene.
Charlene Fleming: Hi.
Alice Ward: I’ve heard a lot about you.
Charlene Fleming: Really? I’ve heard a lot about you, too.
Alice Ward: What’s that supposed to mean?
Charlene Fleming: Same thing you meant.

Movie Quote of the Day – Junebug, 2005 (dir. Phil Morrison)


Ashley: Were you born in Chicago? I was born right here. I’ve lived here all my whole life. My favorite animal is the meerkat. Do you know what they are? They’re so cute. I’ve got this little charm bracelet with meerkats on it. Did you have lots of boyfriends? I bet you did. Did you ever try out for cheerleading or anything? I tried out, but I didn’t make it.
Madeleine: I was born in Japan.
Ashley: You were not!

Movie Quote of the Day – Enchanted, 2007 (dir. Kevin Lima)

Giselle: Nobody has been very nice to me.
Robert: Yeah, well, welcome to New York.
Giselle: Thank you.

Movie Quote of the Day – Leap Year, 2010 (dir. Anand Tucker)

Declan: Here’s an idea: why don’t you stop trying to control everything in the known universe. It’s dinner. Have a little faith that it will all work out.
Anna: I’ve heard that one before.

Hailee Steinfeld and the Best Supporting Actress Race

There’s been a lot of chatter as of late on Twitter about 14 year-old Hailee Steinfeld’s chances at an Oscar nomination and whether her performance should be considered for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. The debate seems to be whether the role is a lead role or a supporting role. While I think it is a lead role, what is really in question is where she has the best chance of getting a nomination – and even perhaps winning. That’s how studios decide how to campaign a role. Though Steinfeld is the heart of True Grit, she has the best chance in the Best Supporting Actress category.

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Movie Quote of the Day – Doubt, 2008 (dir. John Patrick Shanley)

Sister Aloysius: Sister James…
Sister James: What is it, Sister?
Sister Aloysius: I have doubts. [beat] I have such doubts.

New Poster For “The Fighter”

I love Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams, so I’m pretty much sold on this movie sight-unseen.

The Fighter is directed by David O. Russell (I Heart Huckabees) and is due in theaters on December 10th.

Five Under-Appreciated Performances From 2009

At this point we’re pretty much set with the performances that will get nominated for the Oscars. There might be one or two surprise nominees – think Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road last year – but other than that the nominees aren’t going to be much of a surprise.

I’d like to take a moment to discuss five performances that have been all but over looked this awards season. These are all performances that I loved instantly and are all featured in films I will probably return to again and again.

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