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Movie Quote of the Day – Bound, 1996 (dir. Lana & Lilly Wachowski)


Violet: You made certain choices in your life that you paid for. You said you made them because you were good at something and it was easy. Do you think you’re the only one that’s good at something? We make our own choices and we pay our own prices. I think we’re more alike than you want to admit.

Movie Quote of the Day – Liar Liar, 1997 (dir. Tom Shadyac)


Fletcher: Thank you. Now let’s see. . .weight 105? Yeah, in your bra.
Dana: Your honor, I object.
Fletcher: You would!
Dana: Bastard!
Fletcher: Hag!
Judge Stevens: QUIET! Overruled! Weight?
Samantha: 118. . .alright, fine, fine, I’m 127.

Hailee Steinfeld and the Best Supporting Actress Race

There’s been a lot of chatter as of late on Twitter about 14 year-old Hailee Steinfeld’s chances at an Oscar nomination and whether her performance should be considered for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. The debate seems to be whether the role is a lead role or a supporting role. While I think it is a lead role, what is really in question is where she has the best chance of getting a nomination – and even perhaps winning. That’s how studios decide how to campaign a role. Though Steinfeld is the heart of True Grit, she has the best chance in the Best Supporting Actress category.

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