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Movie Quote of the Day – I Am Sam, 2001 (dir. Jessie Nelson)


Lucy: “They perched in silence. ‘How can we be so diff. . diff…diff. . .” I don’t know that word.
Sam: Yes, you do. That’s the word that starts with a “D.”
Lucy: I’m tired.
Sam: I don’t believe you.
Lucy: Are you calling me a liar?
Sam: Yes. I think you have to read the word.
Lucy: No.
Sam: Yeah, you have to read that word.
Lucy: No.
Sam: Yeah. Here it is. There’s the picture where they’re all perched. Now read the word.
Lucy: No! I won’t read the word!
Sam: I’m your father and I’m telling you to read the word. I can tell you to because I’m your father.
Lucy: I’m stupid.
Sam: You are not stupid.
Lucy: Yes, I am.
Sam: You are not stupid, because you can read that word.
Lucy: I don’t want to read it if you can’t.
Sam: No, because it makes me happy. It makes me happy hearing you read. Yeah. It makes me happy when you’re reading.
Lucy: “They perched in silence for a long time. ‘How can we be so different and feel so much alike?’
mused Flitter. ‘How can we feel so different and be so much alike?’ wondered Pip. ‘I think this is quite a mystery.”‘
Sam: Keep going.

Movie Quote of the Day – The Runaways, 2010 (dir. Floria Sigismondi)


Marie Currie: Mom’s gonna kill you. It really looks terrible.
Cherie Currie: Good.

Movie Quote of the Day – Sweet Home Alabama, 2002 (dir. Andy Tennant)

Young Melanie: What do you want to be married to me for, anyhow?
Young Jake: So I can kiss you anytime I want.

Hailee Steinfeld and the Best Supporting Actress Race

There’s been a lot of chatter as of late on Twitter about 14 year-old Hailee Steinfeld’s chances at an Oscar nomination and whether her performance should be considered for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. The debate seems to be whether the role is a lead role or a supporting role. While I think it is a lead role, what is really in question is where she has the best chance of getting a nomination – and even perhaps winning. That’s how studios decide how to campaign a role. Though Steinfeld is the heart of True Grit, she has the best chance in the Best Supporting Actress category.

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In Defense of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (and the series in general)

I wasn’t going to write a review of this movie, mostly because the focus of this site is Oscar-winning and/or nominated films and contenders, but I got several requests to do a proper review. I also wanted to write on the movie because I’ve noticed that a lot of the reviewers for this chapter, as well as the previous two, have had a negative bias whether they realize it or not (Richard Roeper, this time around, however said he liked the film and was entertained). This pre-disposition is something I don’t understand at all, as part of being a reviewer is to try to stand back and approach a film objectively. That being said, I have read the books and seen all the films, and although I realize that the writing in the books is less than stellar, there is something about them that I just love. What I think it is, is that they are entertaining. They are a form of escapism, and whether they are written well or no, they are enjoyable.  Same goes for the films. They are made to ENTERTAIN, not to enlighten, enrich or inspire us. Fans of the film series already know this. The books never claimed, nor tried to be, Pulitzer Prize quality and the films never tried to be Oscar worthy. What they did was entertain and from the sheer amount of money they’ve made, clearly they have done just that.

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Zero-Time Academy Award Nominees (part 2) – 20 of the Best Contemporary Actresses Who’ve Never Been Nom’d For Oscar

This list was a lot harder to come up with because most of the actresses I like/consider to be great at their craft are Oscar nominees or winners. I was thinking perhaps the reason there are less underrated actresses is because there are less great roles for actresses and thus less actresses are able to really shine. That being said I did come up with a list of 20 contemporary actresses who have never been nominated that I think have given at least one Oscar-worthy performance, if not filled their career with them.

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